What is AI²?
The Applications and Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI²) forum aims to bring students and researchers together to talk about different areas of AI and data science. We use it allow likeminded researchers to network, give people the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and share ideas. We also hold sessions with representatives from industry, where these representatives speak about their career pathway, the company they work at and any work they are undertaking that uses AI.
When does the forum take place?
We hold this forum on the last Wednesday of every month from 4-6pm.
Where is the forum held?
The location varies month to month depending on room availability. The sessions are normally hybrid so you can join in person on campus or you can join online via Teams. Though to get the most out of the networking events we recommend coming in person if you can. We normally provide free food too!
You can follow our LinkedIn page to keep up to date with current and past events or email to join our mailing list.
You can also read blogs about our previous forums here.
Do I need to get a ticket to come along?
Nope, anyone from the University is invited! We just ask that you come with enthusiam and that you are interested in AI or it's applications or implications!
If you would like the opportunity to present at AI² we'd love to hear from you!
Feel free to contact Zoe for more information at Z.L.Hancox@Leeds.ac.uk for more information.